Story behind the work: ‘The Light’
‘The light’. 2021. Oil on oil paper.
‘The Light’ started as a stream of consciousness sketch in my notebook and reflects a lesson I learned in adulthood. Growing up I believed happiness was ‘out there’ somewhere in the external world (be it in achievement, new ventures, material possessions) and as I was still growing into my self confidence I didn’t understand that we all have the ability to create happiness and a wonderful experience right now. This work is about how we can shape our environment and affect other people with the energy we radiate and choices we make.
I experimented a lot with this concept when I was working in fashion retail. On the bus to work I would read ‘Affirmations’ that I had saved on my phone so I could set an intention on how I wanted to show up that day. During the shift I would practice providing the energy I wanted to experience even if I perceived it to be missing from the environment. If there was tension or chaos at work I would endeavour to provide organisation and joy. If the tone was negative I would focus on appreciation and gratitude and let my words reflect that inner view. If there was disconnect I would focus on active listening to connect. Through this practice I found enthusiasm for work even on days when it could have been underwhelming (finger spacing the same rack of clothes repeatedly isn’t the most engaging of tasks), that I could make work fun for others and that I could win over and help the most hesitant of clients.
In this oil painting a figure illuminates the dark. Loosely inspired by chakra theory, the light source radiates from her heart centre but also travels in a spiral down to her core and travels above to her voice (and though unseen in the painting presumably travels to her mind as her eyes are the same luminescent blue). The style of the painting is in a contemporary abstract sensibility: ‘The Light’ is not in the sphere of the literal world of realism, but a metaphor for our ability to be our own source of light and power and not merely passive reflections of our environments.
ABOVE LEFT: The sketch in my notebook. When doing steam of consciousness sketches I let the ideas flow line by line and usually work in pen.
ABOVE RIGHT: Screen shot of one of the affirmations I would read on my phone on the way to work. I have nearly 350 affirmations in this album on my phone. Most of the concepts I borrowed from books and talks that inspired me whilst some are self composed. To make them look more appealing I edited their layout in Illustrator like the one above that includes water ripples and a lotus.